1. Increase the custom duty on mobiles from 15% to 20% and on some other mobile parts to 15%, and some parts of TVs to 15%. 2. Increase the health and education cess to 4% 3. Tax long-term capital gains exceeding Rs 1 lakh in listed stock at 10%. 4. Rs 50,000 additional benefit to senior citizens for investment in mediclaim 5. A standard deduction of additional Rs 40,000 for salaried employees. This move will benefit 2.5 crore taxpayers 6. No changes in the structure of income tax for individuals 7. Benefit of the reduced corporate rate of 25% for companies with reported turnover of up to Rs 250 crore. 8. 100% tax deduction for the first five years to companies registered as farmer producer companies with a turnover of Rs. 100 crore and above. 9. Emoluments of President, Vice President and Governor being revised: Rs 5 lakh; 4 lakh; Rs 3.5 lakh per month respectively. 10. Recapitalisation to enable PSU banks to lend Rs 5 lakh crore 11. The government will assign ...